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Your Property Report

123 Longname Street, Suburb

  • 687.00m²
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1

This report will give you in-depth understanding of your property and local market performance.

Your online estimate







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Accurate market value

His <name> can assit you with an estimate based on the current market. Let's have a chat and get more information on your property to help you get the best price.

Comparable Properties

Below are 6 recent sales that are comparable to your property. Looking at the comparable property sales helps to get an idea of the market value of your property. If you’d like I can walk you through them and see how they apply to your property.

Sold within 12 months - Distance within 5km

Contact your local team of experts

Harcourts Officename

123 Address Street, Suburb QLD 3123

Property History

Please note if these details look incorrect, we recommend speaking to a Harcourts representative.

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Getting to know your market

Market performance insights

Here you can see the historical performance of Ashgrove properties over the past 10 years. Let’s take a look at the data for the most recent quarter. We can help you understand how these market trends have affected your property.


  • $1,250,000

    Median sale price

  • 2.86%

    Market Increase

  • 61.54%

    Auction clearance rate

  • 50

    Houses sold

  • 9

    Avg days on market


  • $450,000

    Median sale price

  • 4.09%

    Market Increase

  • 100 %

    Auction clearance rate

  • 35

    Houses sold

  • 33

    Avg days on market

Market Performance

  • House

    $1,200,000 20%

    Median sale price for houses in Ashgrove went up 20%
    in last year.
  • Unit

    $440,000 5.01%

    Median sale price for houses in Ashgrove went up 5.01%
    in last year.
  • Unit XXX

    $888,000 55.01%

    Median sale price for houses in Ashgrove went up 55.01%
    in last year.
  • Lorem Ipsum

    $8,333,000 52.01%

    Median sale price for houses in Ashgrove went up 52.01%
    in last year.
  • Ipsum Lorem ZZZ

    $443,400 53.01%

    Median sale price for houses in Ashgrove went up 53.01% in last year.
The above information is from 2021
  • Unit XXX

    $888,000 55.01%

    Median sale price for houses in Ashgrove went up 55.01%
    in last year.
  • Lorem Ipsum

    $8,333,000 52.01%

    Median sale price for houses in Ashgrove went up 52.01%
    in last year.
  • Ipsum Lorem ZZZ

    $443,400 53.01%

    Median sale price for houses in Ashgrove went up 53.01% in last year.
The above information is from 2021
  • Lorem Ipsum

    $8,333,000 52.01%

    Median sale price for houses in Ashgrove went up 52.01%
    in last year.
The above information is from 2021

Lorem ipsum dolor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras imperdiet ullamcorper lorem, in scelerisque tortor malesuada at. Sed eget lorem ipsum. Duis sagittis nec libero id facilisis. Duis porttitor nibh vel hendrerit fringilla. Nunc mollis ante quam, nec tempus quam congue eget. Donec sed purus quis erat bibendum iaculis. Fusce ligula metus, ultrices ac magna eget, vestibulum consequat lorem. Integer ac lacus vitae justo varius sodales non id massa. Curabitur condimentum pellentesque commodo. Nam in ex non diam cursus vestibulum. Nullam vestibulum, velit vitae facilisis ullamcorper, mauris tellus facilisis nibh, ac consequat magna arcu vitae nibh. Duis consequat egestas nulla, sed vestibulum velit volutpat sed. Proin bibendum mauris odio, a mollis mi molestie quis. Donec metus dolor, rhoncus tincidunt risus eget, sodales egestas tellus. Ut elementum ligula eu nibh condimentum, sit amet interdum magna dapibus. Morbi non porttitor dui. Proin vitae lorem accumsan, congue justo at, dignissim quam. Vestibulum ac suscipit augue. Nullam luctus lacus eu diam aliquam, ut porta orci euismod.

Suburb Insights

Learn about what buyers are looking for in <Suburb>

Here’s some government census data to help understand what a typical buyer may look for in the area.

  • Median age

    40 to 56

  • Population


  • Median rent


  • Weekly household income


Duelling structure

House 77.16%
Flat or Apartment 19.78%
Semi Detached or Terrace 1.68%
Other Dwelling 1.07%

Home ownership type

Owned outright 77.16%
Owned Mortgage 19.78%
Rented Regular 1.68%
Other Tenure Type 1.07%

Method of travel to work

Car 77.16%
Bus 19.78%
Walk 1.68%
Train 1.07%

Industry of employment

Professionals 38.85%
Managers 16.87%
Clerical and Administrative Workers 13.32%
Community and Personal Service Workers 9.26%

Contact your local team of experts

Harcourts Officename

123 Address Street, Suburb QLD 3123